Remote Work Bingo

Remote Working Bingo Everyone is cooped up at home jumping from one video conference call to the next. Your work life balance might be becoming a blur even after one week of remote working. This is why Ink Strategy has designed a game to liven up your video meetings. Start running your own virtual bingo game in less than two minutes. Our virtual bingo system is the most popular in the world because it's so quick and easy to use. It's totally free to run a game for up to 30 players, and prices start at $10 for more players. Check out a demo. Remote Work Bingo would be a lot of fun. Here are a couple of ideas to promote communications that could be done during virtual meetings: Virtual Meeting Telephone This would be a take off of the old “telephone” game. Divide participants into two teams and either assign or have each team pick a captain. Remote Work Bingo bingo card with Changed Google Meet Background twice in a week, Spoke while muted, Changed your hairstyle, Joked about the commute, Did a typing speed test, just for fun, Asked: 'Is in the call?' , Junk food for breakfast, Woke up 5 mins before a meeting, getting numb after sitting for too long and had background nose while in call/meeting.

By Carrie Basas and Erin Okuno

Are we there yet? Doesn’t it feel like this is the never-ending part of the COVID19 pandemic? To help get you through the Zoom video calls, working remotely, and just general blahs we’ve made you a BINGO board. COVID19 sucks, we take it seriously. This BINGO board isn’t intended to make light of the seriousness of COVID19. We also want to help point out ways fakequity is trickling or gushing in during the Stay Home Stay Safe mandates. If you have questions about any of the squares check in with a trusted colleague or friend (call, text, video conference — don’t show up at their house) to ask about it.

Assumes everyone has high-speed internet access and computer at homeAdmonishes or gives the side-eye to someone when their kid photobombs a video callAssumes everyone has a dedicated home workspace or office. Also assumes people have constant access to computers (vs sharing in a house)Begins the meetings with the usual, “How are you?” without any acknowledgment about what’s happening in the worldShows PowerPoints slides during video calls but doesn’t narrate or use the screen sharing function
Insists that everyone be available by video all of the time now (Big Brother), especially lowest paid staffBoasts about how their staff can work remotely now, but didn’t offer these accommodations before COVID19Doesn’t check in about the feasibility or relevance of meetings set before the crisis — Business as UsualWork warrior brags about getting bored at home and going to the office even though they were asked to telecommutePublishes resources and alerts only in English
Gathers staff for in-person meetings when work could be handled through email or conference callMakes busy work for staff because they are afraid their paid staff needs to be directedFREE SPACE (Stay home if you can)Cancels office cleaning without inquiring about how to support displaced workersDoes not caption videos or provide an ASL interpreter
Talks about the joys and “freedoms” of “working from home” instead of acknowledging the stress for others trying to “survive a pandemic” Insists that a pandemic is a great time to lose weight, take on a new hobby, exercise, or become a “better person”Suggests to anxious people that all they need is some “self care” with a $40 candle and some Gwyneth Paltrow face exfoliation Reassigns staff, esp. lowest paid, to work they haven’t been trained for to justify keeping them paidParental shaming for not working enough
Wants to see if you are wearing real pants during video callsTalks on and on during a conference call not realizing how much time they are taking up*Ignores equity and race related questions during town halls, Facebook Live events, etc.Asks: “Why are you so tired?” Uses the word “equity” to justify decision making happening to people of color without including communities in decision making

BINGO Squares in a list format:

  • Assumes everyone has high-speed internet access and computer at home
  • Admonishes or gives the side-eye to someone when their kid photobombs a video call
  • Assumes everyone has a dedicated home workspace or office. Also assumes people have constant access to computers (vs sharing in a house)
  • Begins the meetings with the usual, “How are you?” without any acknowledgment about what’s happening in the world
  • Shows PowerPoints slides during video calls but doesn’t narrate or use the screen sharing function
  • Insists that everyone be available by video all of the time now (Big Brother), especially lowest paid staff
  • Boasts about how their staff can work remotely now, but didn’t offer these accommodations before COVID19
  • Doesn’t check in about the feasibility or relevance of meetings set before the crisis, business as usual
    Work warrior brags about getting bored at home and going to the office even though they were asked to telecommute
  • Publishes resources and alerts only in English
  • Gathers staff for in-person meetings when work could be handled through email or conference call
  • Makes busy work for staff because they are afraid their paid staff needs to be directed
  • FREE SPACE (Stay home if you can)
  • Cancels office cleaning without inquiring about how to support displaced workers
  • Does not caption videos or provide an ASL interpreter
  • Talks about the joys and “freedoms” of “working from home” instead of acknowledging the stress for others trying to “survive a pandemic”
  • Insists that a pandemic is a great time to lose weight, take on a new hobby, exercise, or become a “better person”
  • Suggests to anxious people that all they need is some “self care” with a $40 candle and some Gwyneth Paltrow face exfoliation
  • Reassigns staff, esp. lowest paid, to work they haven’t been trained for to justify keeping them paid
  • Parental shaming for not working enough
  • Wants to see if you are wearing real pants during video calls
  • Talks on and on during a conference call not realizing how much time they are taking up*
  • Ignores equity and race related questions during town halls, Facebook Live events, etc.
  • Asks: “Why are you so tired?”
  • Uses the word “equity” to justify decision making happening to people of color without including communities in decision making

*Rewritten after realizing the original was insensitive. Practicing learning and growing about disability justice — Erin

Remote Work Bingo Clip Art

Guest blogger: Carrie Basas works in education advocacy and formerly in civil rights law, specializing in disabilities rights. Formerly she was a law professor impressing upon law students the importance of understanding race and its impact on people. Carrie has a MEd in Education Policy, Organizations and Leadership from the University of Washington. She earned a Juris Doctorate from Harvard Law School and an Honors B.A. in Psychology with a minor in Sociology/Anthropology from Swarthmore College. However, her biggest claim to fame is her fashion weekend wear while hanging with her family and dog.

A special mention — Today, 9 April 2020 is our Patreon anniversary. Thank you to all 174 of you who help to keep the blog going — Mahalo. This month we’ll be paying it forward to POC led and embedded organizations and indivduals directly impacted by COVID19.

Thank you to our Patreon subscribers who help to keep the blog going and ad-free: Abby, Adrienne, Aimie, Alessandra, Ali, Aline, Alissa, Amber, Amy, Amy R., Andrea, Andrea J.B., Angie, Angelica, Anh-Chi, Annie, Annie G., Ashlie, Barb, Ben, Betsy, Brooke, Brooke B., Brian, C+C, Caitlin, Calandra, Cadence, Carmen, Carolyn C., Carolyn M., Carrie, Carrie S., Casey, Chandra, Chelsea, Chicxs Happy Brownies, Christine, Claudia, Cierra, Clara, Clark, Colleen, Colleen K-S, Colleen L., Crystal, Dan, Daniel, Danielle, Danya, Darcie, Dawnnesha, Dean, Debbie (x2), Denise, Denyse, Dick, Donald, Ed, Edith, Elena, Elizabeth, emily, Erica (2), Erica R.B., Erin, Evan, eve, Freedom, Greg, Hannah, Heather, Heidi, Heidi and Laura, Heidi S., Jake, Jaime, Janis, Jean, Jena, Jennet, Jennifer C., Jennifer M.x2, Jennifer T., Jessa, Jessica, Jessica F., Jessica G., Jessie, Jillian, Jody, John, Jon, Julia, Julie Anne, K.T., Kari, Karen, Katheryn, Kathi, Katie, Keisha, Kelli, Kellie, Kellie H., Keshia, Kimberly, Krista, Kristen, Kristen C., Kristen D., Kumar, Laura, Laurel, Lauren, Laurie, Laurie K., Leah, Lisa, Lisa C., Liz, Lori, Lynn, Lynn D., Maile, Maka, Makeba, Marc, Maria, Mary, Matthew, Maura, McKenzie, Megan, Melissa, Michael, Michelle, Mikaela, Mike, Milo, Minesh, Miranda, Miriam, Misha, Molly, Natasha, Nathan, Nathan H. (x2), Nicole, Norah, Norrie, Paola, Patrick, PMM, Priya, Rachel, Rebecca, Risa, Rise Up for Students, Robin, Ruby, Sarah, Sarah S., Seam, Sean, SEJE Consulting, Shannon, Shaun, Shawna, Shelby, Siobhan, Stephen, Stephanie, Stephanie O., Stephanie S., Susan, Tana, Tania, Tania T.-D,Tara, Terri, Tracy, Virginia, Vivian, and Yvette. If I missed anyone my apologies and thank you for your support. Support the blog by becoming a Patreon supporter.

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Start running your own virtual bingo game in less than two minutes.Our virtual bingo system is the most popular in the world because it's so quick and easy to use.

It's totally free to run a game for up to 30 players, and prices start at $10 for more players.Check out a demo:

Our virtual bingo system is packed with features and includes everything you need to run a virtual bingo game:

Remote Work Bingo Template

  • Randomized bingo cards
  • Bingo caller
  • Automated winner verification
  • Tools to send out virtual bingo links to players
  • Virtual bingo cards that can be played on-sreen or printed

All bingo cards made on can be played virtually.

Our virtual bingo games are totally free for up to 30 players.For more than 30 players our prices start at $10 for 100 bingo cards, which gives access to our virtual bingo system for 31 days.

To get started right away with our bingo card generator choose an option below:

  • 1-75 Number Bingo (American style)
  • 1-90 Number Bingo (UK style)
We also have a number of ready-made bingo games that you can explore and customize.

If you want more info before you get started then read on to find out more about our bingo card generator and our virtual bingo system.

How to use our bingo card generator

If you haven't used it before then please watch this video showing how to use our bingo card generator to make 1-75, 1-90 or any other type of bingo cards.

How to send out virtual bingo cards

We offer several methods to send out virtual bingo cards to your players.Paid-for bingo games include a tool to automatically send out links to a list of email addresses you provide.

How to call your bingo game

Everyone gets free access to our amazing bingo caller. The caller picks out the next call for you to read out, and can also be used to check if a player has won.Watch this video to see how it works.

Our free bingo cards come with three different call sequences so you can play three different games of bingo using our caller.


Paid-for bingo cards for more than 30 players come with 100 call sequences, and include the ability to call the bingo yourself in any order you want.The caller is available for 31 days from the date of purchase.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does every player get a different bingo card?
For paid games we guarantee that each player will get a different bingo card.For free games played using the 'Virtual Link' it is possible that two players will get the same bingo card.However even if each player has a different bingo card it is still possible for two people to get 'bingo' on the same call.

You should plan for what to do in case several people win on the same call,e.g. by having enough prizes for several winners, a prize that can be shared, or by giving the prize to the player who responded with 'bingo' first.

Can players use the same card again?
Yes. Each virtual bingo card can be reset by the player, and can be reused as many times as you like (for up to 31 days for paid-for bingo cards).Watch this video to see a demo.

Can I send more than one bingo card per player?
Yes, you can send up to 20 bingo card links at a time to each player. If you need to send more you can repeat the process.

How do I verify that someone has won?
Ask the player for their Bingo Card ID and enter it into our card verifier. You will see what that player's card should look like at the current call.Watch a demo here.The system works with any winning pattern - you can immediately see if a card is a winner just by looking at it.

Can I add more bingo cards?
Yes. If your game turns out to be more popular than expected you can add more bingo cards.Watch this video to see how.A discount of 20% is automatically applied.You must add the new cards from within the set you want to add them to - do not simply buy a new set of bingo cards.

Can I get more than 500 bingo cards?
Yes. Start by buying 500 bingo cards, then add more bingo cards to the set. You can add 100, 250 or 500 cards at a time.See the previous question for help adding more cards.

Can I use your site for a fundraiser?
Maybe. It's essential that you read the disclaimer section of our terms before you consider charging players for a bingo game.If you do go ahead, Ticket Tailor are currently offering free ticketing for online events.

Can you play bingo and listen to Zoom on the same device?
Yes - on the devices we have tested. On most mobiles and tablets it's possible to have Zoom, WhatsApp, etc running in the background while the browser is open.So you can listen to the bingo calls and mark your card on the same device. We cannot guarantee this will work on all devices.

Can you play several virtual bingo cards at once?
Yes. This works on computers, tablets and mobiles. Watch this video for a demonstration.

Remote Work Bingo Museum Hack

Can players print virtual bingo cards?
Yes. Players can choose which bingo cards to print and what size to print them. Watch this video to see how it works.


Do I get printable bingo cards too?
Yes. With all games you get access to run a virtual bingo game andyou can download a single PDF file with bingo cards to print off for an in‑person game.

With free bingo cards, depending on how you share the cards, players might be able to cheat by opening several bingo cards in different tabs. If it's important that your players can't cheat then choose a paid option.

Forbes Top 100 Remote Work

Does the virtual bingo game expire?
Paid-for bingo games expire 31 days after the date of purchase, which should give you plenty of time to play your bingo games.If you want to keep playing after 31 days you can extend your virtual bingo cards - watch this video to see how.Free virtual bingo games do not expire - just make sure you bookmark or save the link to the bingo caller so you can come back to it.